Morning and Afternoon Activities

The municipality of Sipoo organizes voluntary morning and afternoon activities (before and after school activities) for all pupils in grades 1–2. In some schools the activities are also available for pupils in other grades, provided there are available places in the group. Pupils with a decision on special support may take part in the activities until they transfer to grade six. Sipoo has committed to organizing afternoon activities for at least three hours a day on all schooldays. Depending on the number of participants, activities can be organized during weekdays e.g. between 7.30 and 16.30.

Children taking part in morning and afternoon activities get a chance to exercise outdoors, play freely, play games both indoors and outdoors, do their homework, do handicrafts, or to simply just rest.

Comprehensive growth and developing the children’s social skills are emphasized in the activities.

Morning and afternoon activities are voluntary, and subject to a charge.

Nearly all schools in Sipoo organize morning and afternoon activities of their own. The municipality of Sipoo (Education Department) makes sure afternoon activities are carried out according to laws and regulations. School principals are responsible for any activities carried out in their school.


According to a decision made by Sipoo educational boards (Finnish and Swedish) on February 9, 2016, the following client fees are collected for morning and afternoon activities: €80/month for up to 3 hours/day; and €120/month for over 3 hours/day. The prize is not adjusted according to attendance days. The fee carried out for municipality organized morning activities is €35/month, valid as from August 1, 2017. Fees for an eventual breakfast are charged separately. The fees above apply for pupils taking part in statutory morning and afternoon activities (pupils on grades 1 and 2 and pupils receiving special education).

As for other afternoon activities, the service provider will determine the fees separately. The fees above apply also for preschoolers who participate in the morning and afternoon activities instead of receiving complementary day care.

Do the following

Please apply for a place for your child in morning and afternoon activities primarily online, via Wilma. Application period for the following school year is in the spring. You will find the application form in Wilma: on the opening site, choose the menu at the site top (three lines), and click on “Forms” (Lomakkeet) under it. Please note that it is not possible to fill in the form using the Wilma app on your mobile phone.

Outside the main application period, you may also use a paper form to apply for a place. The school will provide you with the form. Please use the paper form if the pupil for whom your applying for a place is on grades 3–6, or moves to Sipoo from another municipality. In cases where the pupil moves to Sipoo in the middle of the school term, it is possible to apply for a place also for the present year.

Contact the principal in your school for more information about morning and afternoon activities.

To whom and on what terms

Purpose of the activities

The general objective of organizing morning and afternoon activities is to contribute to the children’s holistic welfare and to offer them a safe habitat both before and after school hours. The purpose of the activities is to support children in their growth and development, lay foundations on favourable leisure time habits and to support families and schools in carrying out their educational tasks. In addition, the activities are organized to prevent risk factors appearing when children spend time alone or on their own without supervision.

Contents of the activities

Morning and afternoon activities are of a special character as far as their contents are concerned. Various and based on the children’s needs, they are completely voluntary. The actors organizing and providing the morning and afternoon activities define and choose the specific contents for the activities, including eventual emphasis on subjects or themes. Content entities within morning and afternoon activities are defined as follows in the National core curriculum for morning and afternoon activities (Perusopetuksen aamu- ja iltapäivätoiminnan perusteet):

  1. Ethical growth and equality; 2. Play and interaction; 3. Exercise and outdoor activities; 4. Eating and rest; 5. Culture and traditions; 6. Manual skills and handicrafts; 7. Visual, musical, bodily and verbal expression; 8. Media skills; 9. Daily chores; 10. Living environment and sustainable way of living; 11. Various mental and practical subjects.

Time for activities

Morning and afternoon activities are arranged primarily on weekdays, approximately between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. It is not possible to give exact times for activities, as they vary slightly between locations. Contact your school directly for more detailed information. Morning activities are not organized at all schools. Both morning and afternoon activities take place during schooldays, not during holidays.

Morning and afternoon activities are intended for grade 1 and 2 pupils and pupils receiving special-needs support in all grades.

Payment details

The service is chargeable

Please see description of service for information about charges.

Basic information and legislation

Grade 1 and 2 pupils as well as pupils receiving special-needs support in all grades may apply for morning and afternoon activities in basic education. Morning and afternoon activities can be provided on working days mainly between 7 am and 5 pm.

The objective of the activities is to support children’s growth and development, promote their well-being and equality, prevent exclusion and reinforce inclusion.

The municipality is responsible for the morning and afternoon activities as a whole. It may organise the activities itself or together with other municipalities, or outsource the services to NGOs, communities and companies. However, the municipality has no obligation to organise these activities. A school’s club activities or basic instruction in the arts may also be organised as morning and afternoon activities for children.

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Service locations