Södra Paipis skola

Södra Paipis school is a village school with three teachers. The school is located in southern Paipis (Paippinen). We have approximately 60 pupils. The school provides basic education for children in grades 1–6. The school language is Swedish.

There has been a school in the Paipis region already in the 1880’s. The present school building has been in school use since 1924. An annex was built in 1995.

Södra Paipis school has close cooperation with the preschool located next door. The building houses also a group family day care home providing day care.

All schools in the municipality of Sipoo use versatile working methods and teaching aids. Schools encourage the children to express themselves in a positive way, and to take responsibility for themselves and their surroundings. Schools take part in both national and international development projects. All schools in the municipality value peaceful, quiet and safe working conditions, innovative thinking, and an ecologically friendly way of life. Together with the children and the entire school staff, we promote these values every day. The school applies an antibullying program called KivaKoulu.

Contact information

E-mail address



Desirée Wirén, principal

+358 401916043

Visiting information

Koulumäki 50, 04170 Paippinen