Municipal Day Care

There are 13 day care centres in Sipoo. They provide day care services in Finnish and Swedish.

Day care is provided in two service regions: northern Sipoo and Nikkilä, and southern Sipoo. When necessary, day care centres are open from 6:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. 24-hour care is provided in Finnish and Swedish in Kartanon päiväkoti situated in Nikkilä.

Do the following

Apply for an early childhood education and care place at the latest four months before you wish to place your child in day care.

Apply for a place in day care four (4) months prior to the date when your child needs a place. Applications are made via eDaisy. You will find a link to eDaisy in the right hand column on this site. You may apply for a day care place for your child four (4) months prior to the actual need. If you can not estimate exactly when your child will need day care, for example because of unclear future plans regarding your employment, studies, education or moving to another municipality, please make sure to apply for a day care place as soon as possible. In all cases, the absolute deadline for applications is two (2) weeks before the child needs a place.

You may apply for a day care place all year round. Places in language immersion are an exception. In order to receive a place in language immersion during the following day care year, applications are to be made March 31 at the latest.

If you have any questions regarding applications of day care places, please contact one of the placement coordinators.

To whom and on what terms

Day care centres operate according to a day care year, beginning annually on August 1 and ending on July 31. Operations are centralized to some day care units during holidays, at Christmas and during the summer months. All children have the right to receive day care up to the end of July (July 31) on the year when they start school.

Early childhood education and care may be given to a child who has not reached the age of compulsory education.

Early childhood education and care may also be given to a child who has already reached the age of compulsory education if special circumstances so require and care cannot be otherwise arranged.

Day care fees are determined by valid regulations on early childhood education and care fees.

To find out more about client fees carried out in Sipoo, please visit the “Applications, Client Fees and Contract Termination” site.

Basic information and legislation

One form of early childhood education and care is day-care centre activities, which are organised at day-care centres.

The objective of early childhood education and care is to support the child’s growth, development and learning and promote his or her well-being. An early childhood education plan is drawn up for each child in day-care centre.

Municipal day care may be either full time or part time care.