Sipoon opisto

Being a community college, Sipoon opisto adult education centre gives the inhabitants possibilities to study independently and to develop their civic skills. The goal of the studies is not to take a degree. Instead, the students want to develop themselves in many different ways, engaging in lifelong learning, wellbeing and active citizenship.

Do the following

The courses offered and instructions for registering can be found on the centres’ websites.

The course is arranged if at least 8 persons enrol to it. For language courses, the limit is 6 persons. The course is arranged only if the amount of prospective students who enrol to the course in advance (binding entry) exceeds the minimum limit. Sipoon opisto reserves the right to cancel courses that fail to attract enough participants.

To whom and on what terms

Sipoon opisto organizes courses available for all. Courses are available for everyone regardless of educational background. You may enrol in whichever study group you wish to attend and think you are able to follow up with. The courses are arranged in Finnish and Swedish. Please note that both languages are used in many of our courses.

Adult education centres are open for everyone.

Payment details

The service is chargeable

By enrolling, you agree to pay the course fee. A bill of the course fee will be sent to your home address. Certificates of participation are written only on request at the end of the course. A fee of €10 is carried out for a certificate.

Basic information and legislation

Adult education centres offer possibilities for independent learning and improvement of civic skills. Rather than a qualification, studies at an adult education centre aim for the student’s versatile development, lifelong learning, well-being and active citizenship.

Some adult education centres also organise basic education in the arts in accordance with the national core curriculum. Adult education centres also offer open university courses. Adult education centres are maintained by municipalities, joint municipal authorities, NGOs, foundations or communities by authorisation of the Ministry of Education and Culture. The maintainers make their decisions on the content of the instruction independently. The instruction often focuses on manual skills and pastimes, languages and arts. The instruction is typically provided for groups in the evenings or weekends. The instruction can be organised as contact or distance teaching.

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