Subsidies and Support for Youth Organizations and Youth Groups

The municipal Leisure Division advertises the application time open annually in March. Subsidies may be granted to associations, regional organizations and individual young persons organizing youth activities for young people living in Sipoo.

General subsidies are granted to support general activities organized by associations. The term “project subsidy” refers to subsidies granted for the following purposes:

  • maintenance of real estate
  • education
  • camps and excursions
  • activities related to a planned project
  • to pay real estate tax

Subsidies to regional associations, compiled of smaller associations and based on membership of natural persons, may be granted when

  • the regional association is registered and principally active in one municipality only
  • the information on each local association provided in the subsidy application is equivalent to the information that is required of other local youth associations in their application

Subsidies to youth activities organized by young people themselves refers to subsidies granted for free youth organization groups. Subsidies are granted on the following grounds:

  • at least 2/3 of the people responsible for the activities, or carrying out the project, must be under 29 years of age
  • the application must be signed by two persons over 18 years of age responsible for the club activities
  • an account of the activities must be attached to the application

Subsidies are not granted to support youth activities in an association that has the power to levy and collect taxes, nor for district organizations, political campaigning, missionary work or similar.

Do the following

Groups of young people may apply to the municipal youth services for grants.

For more information and instructions how to apply for general subsidies please contact Sipoo municipality.

The application period ends on March 31. at 23:59 pm.

To whom and on what terms

Only applications submitted by the deadline will be accepted.

Payment details

Basic information and legislation

Groups formed by young people themselves may apply to the municipal youth services for grants. Grants may be available for activities or, for example, the organisation of events.

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