Notification to the Rescue Department Concerning a Fire Safety or Accident Risk

If you notice yourself, or otherwise become aware of an imminent fire safety or other accident risk in a building, apartment or other place, you must notify the regional Rescue Department. In Sipoo, the notification is made to the Eastern Uusimaa Emergency Services Department.

An imminent fire risk is caused for example by excessive amounts of waste material or other objects collected in an apartment. They could feed an eventual fire and make it spread faster than usual. Fire risks are imminent also if you detect signs of already extinguished fires in the apartment, such as scorching marks on the floor, or partially burnt textiles. It may be necessary to notify the Emergency Services Department also if you’re aware that the person already has caused some danger to him- or herself or to others.

Do the following

Submit the notification without delay.

The notification must explain why the apartment or its occupant could constitute a fire or accident hazard. The reason may be related to, for example, the structure of a building, smoke detectors, a stove, heating, burn marks in an apartment, or if the occupant smokes indoors or engages in substance abuse.

In urgent situations, call the emergency number (112).

File in a notification on the Eastern Uusimaa Emergency Services Department website. In an emergency, call the general emergency number by dialling 112.

To whom and on what terms

These notifications can be submitted even if a person is subject to a confidentiality provision. The notification can also be submitted anonymously.

Payment details

Basic information and legislation

If there is a risk of a fire or other accident in the apartment or property, the authorities as well as other municipal and public sector employees are required to submit a notification to the rescue authority. This obligation does not extend to other people, but they are still strongly recommended to submit a notification.

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