Dance Education

Keravan tanssiopisto (Kerava Dance Institute) offers basic education in the arts of dance for children and young people in Sipoo. Classes are held in danceplay, children’s dance, children’s ballet, modern dance and show jazz. The participants are aged 3 years and older. Basic education in the arts of dance proceeds from one level to the next every year under the supervision of a competent teacher. The courses are arranged in Finnish and Swedish. Education is provided in the day care centre Pikkusydän in Nikkilä, and in Sipoonlahti school in Söderkulla. The classes start in August.

Other institutions organizing dance classes in Sipoo are for example Sipoon opisto and Porvoonseudun musiikkiopisto.

Basic information and legislation

Basic education in the arts is primarily intended for children and young people. The education is offered at art schools and adult education centres. It is goal-oriented, and progresses from one level to the next.

Basic education in the arts provides the students with capabilities for expressing themselves by artistic means and, should they wish, enables them to apply for a place in vocational and third-level education in the field of arts in question.

The education may be provided by municipalities, joint municipal authorities, associations, foundations and state institutions. The education is based on the nine principles of general and extensive syllabi defined for arts in the national core curriculum.

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