Waste Transport

It is obligatory for all residential buildings to use waste management services organized by the municipality. Waste management in Sipoo is taken care of Rosk 'n Roll waste management services.

The most common way to use waste management services is to acquire a waste container, either by buying or renting one. Inhabitants can organize their waste management by signing a contract for their house only, or in cooperation with one or more of their neighbours. Waste management is obligatory for all houses and leisure-time residences, also when they are located on the mainland and have a road connection.

In sparsely populated areas, inhabitants may also choose to transport their daily waste themselves to a mixed waste collection point. This option is also subject to a charge.

In the archipelago, inhabitants of residential buildings used all year round as well as owners of summer cottages have two options for waste management: they can either sign up and use the mixed waste collection points, or transport their garbage to a waste collection ferry. Waste collection by ferry operates in the inner Sipoo archipelago area.

A collection ferry called Otto makes also a tour in the archipelago each summer. Otto is a ferry collecting household dangerous waste, electrical devices and scrap metal. These types of waste a collected and transported free of charge. Otto accepts even other types of waste, but they are subject to a charge.

Do the following

You may sign up for waste management services at the Rosk 'n Roll online service, or by contacting the company customer service.

Basic information and legislation

Property holders must provide waste reception points from where the waste carriers can collect the waste. The reception point (waste container) may be the responsibility of one or more properties. The mixed waste container of a single-family house is typically emptied once every two weeks. If the property sorts waste for recycling or composts biowaste, the interval at which the waste containers are emptied may be extended if necessary, as laid down in waste management regulations.

Waste transport may be organised by the municipality, in which case the municipal waste utility puts the waste transport out to tender. Alternatively, the waste transport may be arranged by the property holder, in which case the waste holder will order the waste transport from a waste carrier company operating in the area. The municipal waste management authority decides which of these waste transport systems is used in the municipality.

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