Waste Management

Picture: Suvi Suovaara

Waste management in municipal responsibility areas is taken care of the Rosk’n Roll waste management service company. The company organizes waste collection from the properties, and receives waste and dangerous waste transported by the inhabitants themselves. In addition, the company takes care of reclamation of waste materials, and maintains waste stations, mixed waste collection points and recycling points.

The Uusimaa Waste Committee is the waste management authority in Sipoo. The committee for example decides on the fees carried out for waste management, and processes exceptions in waste collection days. In Sipoo, the environmental protection authority is the general supervisor of waste management, reclamation and recycling of waste, and waste handling. They also follow up with possible emissions and other environmental damage caused by waste and waste management.

Do the following

Most common matters related to waste management (joining the services, updating your client information, and applying for a longer interval between waste collection days) can be taken care of via the Rosk’n Roll online service (https://web.rosknroll.fi/), or by contacting the company customer service (asiakaspalvelu@rosknroll.fi).

Extensions of mixed waste collection intervals may also be applied for using a paper form, available from the Waste Committee waste management coordinator. A return address is printed on the form, together with email addresses for any additional questions.

Basic information and legislation

Under the Waste Act, all waste producers must treat their waste in a proper manner. It is also laid down in the act that as much as possible of the waste must be sorted and recycled or otherwise recovered.

Municipalities are responsible for organising the management of the municipal waste generated by households. The collection and transport of the waste is partially the task of waste carriers. However, there is also waste that people must themselves take to regional collection or reception points. Collection and reception points are provided for different types of waste. Municipalities must also organise the reception and treatment of hazardous waste.

The regional reception of specific types of waste, such as electrical and electronic waste, batteries, packaging waste, paper waste and vehicle tyres, is the responsibility of their respective manufacturers and importers. These parties must provide reception points for this type of waste.

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