Waste Management Information

Waste management in Sipoo is taken care of Rosk ‘n Roll waste management services. The company deals out information on waste collection and waste receiving stations, and on how to sign in for waste management services. You will also learn more about sorting of different wastes, and about composts.

Thanks to the guidance, the inhabitants are able to diminish and recycle their waste, and to find the correct waste management service when needed.

Do the following

The waste management website includes directions on how to sort different types of waste. You may also contact Rosk 'n Roll customer service for more information.

Basic information and legislation

Municipalities and municipal waste utilities provide advice on how to treat municipal waste. As part of the advisory service, local residents are provided with information on the environmental impacts of their own activities, sustainable consumption, recycling, composting, food waste and waste treatment. The purpose of the advisory service is to reduce the amount and harmfulness of municipal waste, promote waste recycling and ensure proper waste management practices. You can report on littering or inadequacies in the treatment and storage of dangerous substances to the waste advisory service of your municipality.

Waste advice is available online, in printed publications and at information briefings. Municipalities may organise the advisory service with their own resources or by other means (such as an outsourced service).

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