Support for Development and Learning

Picture: Anni-Maija Blomqvist

In Sipoo, support for children’s development and learning is organized as a part of every-day early childhood education and care. Support is primarily given using various flexible practices in the child’s own group in day care, preschool or family day care. The child’s need for support is assessed in cooperation with the guardians and the ECEC personnel. When necessary, even other experts are consulted. The means and quantity of the support are individually applied according to the child’s needs.

The support given is three-tiered and consists of general support, intensified support, and special support. The support given builds a logical continuum from early childhood education and care to preschool and school.

If you have any questions related to development and learning of your child, please contact the person in charge of your child’s ECEC centre, or the consulting special education teacher for ECEC services in your region.

Do the following

Children in need of support will receive an individual plan on how their education is organized. The plan is compiled in cooperation with the guardians, and it is a part of the child’s ECEC plan and preschool learning plan. Fulfillment of the plan is regularly monitored in a commonly agreed way.

For more information please contact your child's kindergarten.

To whom and on what terms

In Sipoo, the personnel within early childhood special education consists of three consulting special education teachers for ECEC services, and of three special education teachers for ECEC services who work in child groups. These special education teachers are responsible for planning, implementation and evaluation of the support given according to the child’s needs. The work is carried out in cooperation with the guardians, ECEC and preschool personnel, and a multidisciplinary expert network.

In Sipoo, there are two groups in which the amount of children is smaller and the personnel has more comprehensive pedagogical skills. In addition to these smaller groups, ECEC services also employ a certain amount of group assistants who can be placed in groups with more than one child in need of support.

The families pay the normal ECEC client fee for the services.

Basic information and legislation

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