Municipal Family Day Care

Instead of centre-based day care, you may choose to organize the care of your child in a private family.

In family day care, the children are taken care of at the family care carer’s own home. Family day carers prepare the daily meals and take care of other household tasks independently. Family day carers may have a permanent group of four children under school age (including the carer’s own children under school age). In addition, the carer is allowed to take care of a fifth child who attends school or preschool.

At the beginning of the care relation, a care agreement discussion is to be held at the family day care facility. It is important that the child’s parents, the day care provider and the head of municipal family day care all take part in the discussion. During the discussion, the participants will agree on issues related to the child’s care and upbringing (for example care times).

The child will also be allocated a spare place in some day care centre for times when the family day carer is ill or on holiday.

Do the following

Apply for an early childhood education and care place at the latest four months before you wish to place your child in care.

Apply for an ECEC place for your child at least four (4) months before you child needs a place in a day care facility.

You may apply for a day care place all year round.

To whom and on what terms

Care may be given to a child who has not reached the age of compulsory education.

Early childhood education and care may also be given to a child who has already reached the age of compulsory education if special circumstances so require and care cannot be otherwise arranged.

Reimbursement for family day care expenses is applied for using a separate reimbursement form.

Basic information and legislation

In addition to a day-care centre, you can apply for an early childhood education and care place in family day care for your child. Family day care is early childhood education and care provided in the carer’s or the child’s home.

A family day-carer may care for at most four children under school age in full time and for one child of pre-primary or basic education age part time. The carer’s own under school age children are included in this number. An early childhood education plan is drawn up for each child in family day care.