Municipal Employment

We at Sipoo are eager to develop ourselves and to test new ways of doing things. Our employees are active in their work, developing both their own tasks and the workplace community. Our goal is to be famous for our bold and creative solutions.

In Sipoo, we invest in good leadership. Each and every one of us has the right to good and impartial leadership. Our managers are given possibilities to educate themselves, and our goal is management by coaching in all our various branches of activity.

In Sipoo, services are produced using socially and ecologically sustainable solutions. We are a responsible employer, willing to work actively to achieve equitable treatment for all.

Who works in Sipoo?

At the end of 2019, the municipality of Sipoo had a total of 1 313 employees. A vast majority of these people are active in day care and education sectors, the care sector and other caring professions. The Education Department employs 53% of all Sipoo personnel. In addition, Sipoo employees take care or for example administrative and technical tasks.

As far as organizations go, Sipoo is just the right size. We put effort on workplace networking, and our cooperation with varying actors in the municipality runs smoothly. All Sipoo employees are actively engaged in communication between their colleagues and the municipal inhabitants. Over 50% of our employees also live in Sipoo. The average age of our employees is 46,1 years.

Do the following

For a closer look on our personnel policy and other personnel matters, please read the Sipoo Personnel Report.

Check out the attached link for some Sipoo career stories.