Maintenance of Streets and Public Areas

The municipality of Sipoo is responsible for the care of streets and public areas in municipal-maintained areas.

The maintenance includes

  • repairing street surfaces, and laying new road surfaces
  • levelling the surfaces of gravel surface streets
  • dust binding on gravel surface roadways
  • maintenance of street furniture, traffic islands, safety rails, traffic signs and similar devices
  • removal of snow and ice, and anti skid treatment, and
  • cleansing of public areas.

Real estate owners are responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of road areas immediately bordering their plot.

Public roads are maintained by the Uusimaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY-keskus). (Liikenteen Asiakaspalvelu).

Faults and damage related to electric power lines in the Sipoo area are taken care of by the Sipoon Energia electric company.

In Sipoo, street lighting is maintained by Uudenmaan Verkonrakennus Oy. Please contact the service provider directly if you detect broken or non-operating street lights or disruptions in their function.

The municipal Chief Street Maintenance Officer is responsible for street maintenance planning and placing of traffic signs.

The Chief Street Maintenance Office also grants permits to place traffic signs on private roads.

In matters related to rights of way, or documents issued by the previous private roads section of the municipality, please contact the municipal Land Use Expert.

More information: The Finnish Road Association – Private Roads.

Do the following

You can give feedback and report eventual failures in maintenance of streets and public areas.

In matters related to winter time maintenance of public areas, please contact the responsible company directly.

In matters related to public roads, please contact the Uusimaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY-keskus) directly.

You can also contact the municipal customer service to give feedback on street maintenance.

Basic information and legislation

The municipalities are responsible for maintaining streets, marketplaces, squares, parks, plantings and other similar public spaces in areas covered by a local detailed plan and keeping them clean. As a site owner, you have the duty to keep the street area adjacent to the site clean.

Street maintenance includes repairing broken street paving or re-paving the street and, if the street is unpaved, ensuring that the street is level and keeping the dust down. The municipality also maintains the street fixtures, traffic islands, protective railings, road signs and similar equipment.

Street maintenance includes removing snow and ice and treating slippery road surfaces. A municipality may decide to only partly maintain a certain area in winter, if this does not cause significant obstruction to traffic and mobility.
