Joining the Water and Sewage Networks

All houses located in a water supply and sewerage system area have to be connected to the water company water and sewer networks whenever these are available. This rule applies to all real estates, with the exception of houses that have received a permit issued by an environmental authority stating they may be exempted from connecting to water and sewage systems.

Do the following

Please contact Sipoo municipality's water company Sipoon Vesi.

When you want to connect your property to the water and/or sewage networks, you have to fill in an application for property connection and send it to the water company.

If you own an existing property and want to apply for connection to the water and/or sewage network, fill in the form called request for a Connection Point statement on the website My Services portal.

The water company will then process your application. Once accepted, the company will sign a contract with the property owner or occupier on property connection to water supply and sewerage systems, and on use of the services.

You can make an notification of a change of Real Estate Ownership in the My Services. Select "Sipoon Vesi" and from there "Notification of a Change of Real Estate Ownership to Sipoon Vesi".

To whom and on what terms

Real estate owners are to sign a contract with the water supply company, agreeing on connecting to the water and sewage systems and on the use of the services. New real estate owners usually take over the previous owner’s contract.

Payment details

The service is chargeable

Basic information and legislation

Water services run by municipalities and joint municipal authorities are responsible for ensuring good-quality household water to residents and the appropriate sewage and treatment of wastewater.

Properties located in densely populated areas must in principle be connected to the municipal water supply and sewer network. The property owner must enter into an agreement with the water utility on connecting the property to water services. When the ownership of a property changes, the agreement is usually transferred to the new owner. The owner of the property pays for their property to be connected to the water supply and sewer network, for the technical connection work, for water use and a waste water charge.

Owners of properties located outside densely populated areas are not always obligated to join up as users of the water supply network if water supply and sewage for the property are handled appropriately in some other way. Water services are not necessarily available in sparsely populated areas. The municipal environmental protection authority can also grant an exemption to the obligation to connect to the network on the basis of an application.

When most of the properties in a certain area are connected to the water supply and sewer networks, water services function effectively, economically and safely. The treatment of waste water is a way of caring for our environment. Municipalities and joint municipal authorities cooperate with private water cooperatives as well as with operator that supply water and treat waste water.

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