Grants for Sports Activities

The municipality grants subsidies and support annually for promoting physical exercise and different kinds of sports.

It is possible to apply for general subsidies and project grants for the following purposes:

  • to support children and young people between 7 and 15 years of age living in needy families (Sports Subsidy)
  • for fitness training for regular guided activities organized for under 18-year-olds
  • for education arranged for officials, coaches and sports instructors
  • for maintenance of sports facilities
  • to cover rents paid for sports facilities and areas
  • to build sports facilities and make orienteering maps
  • to pay real estate tax for sports facilities

Rewards to Winning Athletes

The municipality of Sipoo rewards winning athletes living in Sipoo. The ceremony is organized annually in January or February. A press release on the subject will be published in November–December, asking for information about athletes who have won a gold medal in Finnish national championships, or a medal in some other championship of greater value. The information provided has to include the athlete’s name, personal record sheet and contact information.

Do the following

For more information and instructions how to apply for general subsidies and project grants, or rewards to Winning Athletes, please contact Chief of Sports and Leisure Services.

Basic information and legislation

The municipality must promote the residents’ possibilities of physical exercise and sports. For example municipalities are responsible for supporting local sports associations.

Sports organisations and clubs may enquire about grants for their activities and, for example, the arrangement of sports events from the municipality in whose area they operate.

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