Apprenticeship training

In apprenticeship education and training, the students conduct their vocational studies at a workplace, and their skills are completed with theoretical studies carried out in an educational establishment. The students take part in theoretical studies 1–5 days a month. The time needed varies according to the degree their currently studying, their previous experience, and their work experience.

Apprenticeships can be used to complete upper secondary vocational education and training leading to any of the three qualification levels: vocational upper secondary qualification, further vocational qualification, and specialist vocational qualification. Apprenticeships leading up to a degree take 1–3 years to complete. After completing their degree, apprenticeship students will also be eligible to apply for further studies in an university of applied sciences or a university.

Apprenticeships are fixed-term employment contracts between the employer and the student. During the contract time, the employer pays the student a salary determined by branch-specific collective agreements. The employer will be paid a training compensation for employing an apprentice.

Apprenticeships can also be based on a fixed-term employment contract done in writing between government employees and their employer (so called Office holder’s apprenticeship). Entrepreneurs may conduct their studies with the help of an entrepreneur’s apprenticeship.

Both young people and adults can engage in apprenticeship training to study for a vocational degree. The students are to show their proficiency in specific competence tests carried out at the workplace as the studies progress.

The municipality of Sipoo accepts new students for apprenticeships for example within social and health care services and early childhood education and care services. In Sipoo, apprenticeship education and training is organized by the Vocational Education and Training provider Keuda.

Do the following

The parties to an apprenticeship training agreement are the student, the employer and the educational institution.

Contact email:

To whom and on what terms

In order to be accepted for apprenticeship education and training, you have to be at least 15 years of age, have a job, or have your own company of some kind. You may already have a job, or about to get one with the help of recruitment services.

Basic information and legislation

All vocational qualifications can be completed by participating in apprenticeship training. It is suitable for both young people and adults.

Vocational further education and training organised as apprenticeship training is usually intended for those who already have education, training or work experience in their field and who wish to complement, extend or deepen their competence. Competence acquired through apprenticeship training can be demonstrated in a competence-based qualification.

Apprenticeship training is mainly provided on the workplace, and the student has an employment relationship or a public-service employment relationship with the employer. Training provided on the workplace is complemented with theoretical studies, which are mainly organised by vocational institutions and adult education centres.

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