Animal Protection

You may contact the animal protection authorities if you suspect that animals are being maltreated or inadequately cared for.

An inspection is carried out during the same day if the situation is acute, that is, if an animal’s life is in danger, or there is reason to suspect an aggravated animal welfare offense.

Animal welfare inspections in the Eastern Uusimaa region are mainly carried out by the supervising veterinarian, but during on-call hours acute situations may also be dealt with by a veterinary practitioner or the police.

The goal with animal protection is to ensure the wellbeing of animals, and to supervise that animal keeping follows applicable laws and regulations.

Do the following

Whenever there is a suspicion that an animal’s care does not meet the regulations of the Animal Welfare Act, please submit an animal cruelty report by contacting the supervising veterinarian.

You can submit the report by e-mail, or by calling the service. Anonymous reports are not processed. The submitter’s identity is not revealed to the object being inspected.

Basic information and legislation

If you suspect animal abuse and neglect report this to the municipal veterinarian, the municipal health protection authority or the police. Animals must the protected from distress, pain and suffering in the best possible way and every effort must be made to promote the welfare and good treatment of animals. The Animal Welfare Act contains provisions on animal premises, feed, care and breeding.

Enforcing the Animal Welfare Act is the joint responsibility of municipalities and central government authorities such as the police.

In urgent cases, contact the police by calling the emergency number 112.

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