Water Supply and Sewerage in Rural Areas

Water supply and sewage treatment on real estates located in rural areas are most often based on property-specific individual solutions. In cases where water and sewage pipelines are not available, neighbouring properties may also set up a water cooperative. Members of the water cooperative share the responsibility and costs of both water supply and sewerage organized in the cooperative.

If the property uses water from a well, the quality of the water can be investigated in a laboratory to ensure that the water is safe for health.

Wastewater treatment has to follow the requirements stated in the Water Services Act and the Environmental Protection Act. The real estate may have a septic tank of its own. These tanks are emptied either regularly or when necessary. The real estate may also be equipped with a property-specific wastewater treatment system.

Owners of houses in a rural areas where municipal sewage is not available have to organize the sewage treatment on the property in an appropriate way. Wastewater produced on the property is not allowed to cause any negative effects on health or the environment. Houses not connected with the sewage pipeline must be able to give a full account on their sewage system in use, including the user manual and maintenance instructions.

Do the following

For more information about water supply and sewerage in rural areas, please contact the municipal environmental authority.

Whenever building a new wastewater treatment system or renewing the old system, you can always contact the municipal building authority and the environmental protection authority for help. However, please remember that all construction plans have to be made by a competent designer. It is also advised to use an expert when drawing up reports on existing sewage systems. This also applies for the system’s user manuals and maintenance instructions.

Basic information and legislation

The water services and treatment of wastewaters from properties in sparsely populated areas are mainly based on the solutions implemented at each property. If it is not possible to connect to the public sewer network, properties located near each other can establish a joint water cooperative. The members of the cooperative share the responsibilities and costs between themselves.

If water from a well is used at the property, the quality and safety of the water can be verified in a laboratory examination. The municipal environmental authorities provide advice in this matter.

The provisions contained in the Water Services Act and the Environmental Protection Act must be complied with in wastewater treatment. The property may have its own sewage tank that is emptied regularly or when necessary. The property may also have its own wastewater treatment system. The municipal environmental authorities provide advice on the alternatives for household water and wastewater treatment.

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