Part-Time Special Education

Pupils who are experiencing problems in their learning abilities or school attendance may receive part-time special education in addition to basic education.

Part-time special education can be provided flexibly as team teaching, in a small group or as individual education.

The goals and contents of special education are linked with other forms of education the pupil takes part in. Implementation of part-time special education is planned and the need for it as well as it’s effects evaluated between teachers and in cooperation with the pupils and their guardians.

To whom and on what terms

Part-time special needs teaching may be given to pupils who have difficulties with such areas as linguistic or mathematical skills. The difficulties may also be associated with individual subjects, study skills, social skills or study motivation.

Basic information and legislation

Basic education pupils who have difficulties with their learning or school attendance are entitled to part-time special needs teaching in connection with other instruction.

Part-time special needs teaching is provided in connection with other instruction either simultaneously with other teaching, for small groups or as individual instruction. The municipality ensures that the schools have access to the required expertise in special pedagogy.

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