
Picture: Suvi Suovaara

There are a total of 18 playgrounds of varying sizes in Sipoo. The playgrounds are supervised on a regular basis to ensure that the premises and equipment are undamaged and tidy, so that they can be used safely. The goal is to make municipal playgrounds as safe and stimulating as possible. We want your entire family to have a nice time outdoors.

  • All municipal inhabitants may use the playgrounds free of charge. Additionally, playgrounds at school and daycare yards may be used for play and exercise out of school hours.
  • Playgrounds are not maintained, for example snow is not plowed, during the winter. Nevertheless, local inhabitants freeze and maintain ice-skating rinks at Sinivuokko, Taasjärvi and Lintuniitty playgrounds during the winter months.

Basic information and legislation

The purpose of municipal playgrounds is to offer safe, diverse and welcoming environments for play. The municipality checks the safety of playgrounds several times a year. The maintenance measures are carried out according to a national specification.

Playgrounds may be supervised by municipal employees either continuously or at certain times, or they may be unsupervised. A municipality may organise instructor-led activities for pre-school and school-age children at the playground.

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Service locations