Domestic Water Fees

Water bills consists of an annual basic fee, and fees for use calculated according to the amount of water used. The basic fee is determined according to the size of the property water meter. Fees for use are determined according to the amount of water used on the property. To control the usage, a water meter is installed at the property by the water company. Fees for usage consist of separate fees for acquisition of water, and sewage.

For specific reasons and only exceptionally, the water company may charge for water used and sewage water transported from the property on the grounds of estimated amounts instead of actual usage.


Fees for other than residential buildings and buildings whose water and sewage systems are not comparable with those of residential buildings are determined by the Sipoon Vesi board in each exceptional case separately. The same applies for fees charged from clients referred to in chapter 2.5 in the water company general terms of delivery.

Interest on Arrears and Collection Costs

Sipoon Vesi requests for payment are sent to the customers by Intrum Oy. The company will take out a charge of 5€ for each request. The interest rate on arrears is determined according to the current rate as stated in the Finnish Interest Act. Other collection costs are charged according to actual costs incurred by the water company.

Do the following

Report the water meter reading when asked about it by the water utility.

Water meter readings can be reported digitally in the online service Kulutus-Web.

Basic information and legislation

The water utility charges for the household water it supplies. The residents of housing companies usually pay for water consumption on a monthly basis. Small properties, such as single-family houses, pay the water fee a few times a year. The price of clean water is affected by the costs of water abstraction, water treatment and the distribution network.

Property-specific water meters measure water consumption.

Wastewater treatment is also a chargeable service. The price consists of the costs of the sewer network and wastewater treatment. Wastewater treatment is usually more expensive than buying clean water. The charges for the treatment of sludge from septic tanks and cesspits and, for example, wastewater generated from cleaning poultry farms are higher than the charges for the treatment of normal household wastewater.

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